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Silinmiş Konu   | Nemesis mode


iyi günler
arkadaşlar eklentide bir problem var örnek nemesıs modunda otomatik kendisi açıldıgında normal bir şekilde serverin kişi sayısına göre nemesis seçiyor 
sorun admin komutuyla seçilmek istediğinizde otomatik olarak rasgele başkasını seçiyor seçtiğim kişide yapmıyor ve server kişi sayısına göre seçiyor ben öyle istemiyorum : / 
istediğim admin komutuyla seçmek istediğim kişi 1er 1er seçmek istiyorum isterseniz 0 halini atayım onada bi bakabilirsiniz

nemesis mod server kişi sayısına göre


-*- [ZP] Game Mode: Nemesis -*-

This plugin is part of Zombie Plague Mod and is distributed under the
terms of the GNU General Public License. Check ZP_ReadMe.txt for details.


#include <amxmodx>
#include <amx_settings_api>
#include <cs_teams_api>
#include <zp50_gamemodes>
#include <zp50_class_nemesis>
#include <zp50_deathmatch>

// Settings file
new const ZP_SETTINGS_FILE[] = "zombieplague.ini"

// Default sounds
new const sound_nemesis[][] = { "zombie_plague/nemesis1.wav" , "zombie_plague/nemesis2.wav" }


new Array:g_sound_nemesis

// HUD messages
#define HUD_EVENT_X -1.0
#define HUD_EVENT_Y 0.17
#define HUD_EVENT_R 255
#define HUD_EVENT_G 20
#define HUD_EVENT_B 20

new g_MaxPlayers
new g_HudSync
new g_TargetPlayer

new cvar_nemesis_chance, cvar_nemesis_min_players
new cvar_nemesis_show_hud, cvar_nemesis_sounds
new cvar_nemesis_allow_respawn

public plugin_precache()
// Register game mode at precache (plugin gets paused after this)
register_plugin("[ZP] Game Mode: Nemesis", ZP_VERSION_STRING, "ZP Dev Team")
zp_gamemodes_register("Nemesis Mode")

// Create the HUD Sync Objects
g_HudSync = CreateHudSyncObj()

g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()

cvar_nemesis_chance = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_chance", "20")
cvar_nemesis_min_players = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_min_players", "0")
cvar_nemesis_show_hud = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_show_hud", "1")
cvar_nemesis_sounds = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_sounds", "1")
cvar_nemesis_allow_respawn = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_allow_respawn", "0")

// Initialize arrays
g_sound_nemesis = ArrayCreate(SOUND_MAX_LENGTH, 1)

// Load from external file
amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZP_SETTINGS_FILE, "Sounds", "ROUND NEMESIS", g_sound_nemesis)

// If we couldn't load custom sounds from file, use and save default ones
new index
if (ArraySize(g_sound_nemesis) == 0)
for (index = 0; index < sizeof sound_nemesis; index++)
ArrayPushString(g_sound_nemesis, sound_nemesis[index])

// Save to external file
amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZP_SETTINGS_FILE, "Sounds", "ROUND NEMESIS", g_sound_nemesis)

// Precache sounds
for (index = 0; index < ArraySize(g_sound_nemesis); index++)
ArrayGetString(g_sound_nemesis, index, sound, charsmax(sound))
if (equal(sound[strlen(sound)-4], ".mp3"))
format(sound, charsmax(sound), "sound/%s", sound)

// Deathmatch module's player respawn forward
public zp_fw_deathmatch_respawn_pre(id)
// Respawning allowed?
if (!get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_allow_respawn))


public zp_fw_core_spawn_post(id)
// Always respawn as human on nemesis rounds
zp_core_respawn_as_zombie(id, false)

public zp_fw_gamemodes_choose_pre(game_mode_id, skipchecks)
if (!skipchecks)
// Random chance
if (random_num(1, get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_chance)) != 1)

// Min players
if (GetAliveCount() < get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_min_players))

// Game mode allowed

public zp_fw_gamemodes_choose_post(game_mode_id, target_player)
// Pick player randomly?
g_TargetPlayer = (target_player == RANDOM_TARGET_PLAYER) ? GetRandomAlive(random_num(1, GetAliveCount())) : target_player

public zp_fw_gamemodes_start()
new bmForSayi;
case 1..10 : {
bmForSayi = 1;
case 11..15 : {
bmForSayi = 2;
case 16..20 : {
bmForSayi = 3;
case 21..25 : {
bmForSayi = 4;
case 26..32 : {
bmForSayi = 5;
for(new i; i < bmForSayi; i++){
g_TargetPlayer = GetRandomAlive(random_num(1, GetAliveCount()));
if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_show_hud)){
new name[32]
get_user_name(g_TargetPlayer, name, charsmax(name))
set_hudmessage(HUD_EVENT_R, HUD_EVENT_G, HUD_EVENT_B, HUD_EVENT_X, HUD_EVENT_Y, 1, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1)
ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_HudSync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NOTICE_NEMESIS", name)
new id
for (id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++)
// Not alive
if (!is_user_alive(id))

// This is our Nemesis
if (zp_class_nemesis_get(id))

// Switch to CT
cs_set_player_team(id, CS_TEAM_CT);

// Play Nemesis sound
if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_sounds))
ArrayGetString(g_sound_nemesis, random_num(0, ArraySize(g_sound_nemesis) - 1), sound, charsmax(sound))

PlaySoundToClients(const sound[]){
if (equal(sound[strlen(sound)-4], ".mp3"))
client_cmd(0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", sound)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"%s^"", sound)

new iAlive, id

for (id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++)
if (is_user_alive(id))

return iAlive;

new iAlive, id

for (id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++)
if (is_user_alive(id))

if (iAlive == target_index)
return id;

return -1;

nemesis mod 0 orjinal hali

    -*- [ZP] Game Mode: Nemesis -*-
    This plugin is part of Zombie Plague Mod and is distributed under the
    terms of the GNU General Public License. Check ZP_ReadMe.txt for details.

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amx_settings_api>
#include <cs_teams_api>
#include <zp50_gamemodes>
#include <zp50_class_nemesis>
#include <zp50_deathmatch>

// Settings file
new const ZP_SETTINGS_FILE[] = "zombieplague.ini"

// Default sounds
new const sound_nemesis[][] = { "zombie_plague/nemesis1.wav" , "zombie_plague/nemesis2.wav" }


new Array:g_sound_nemesis

// HUD messages
#define HUD_EVENT_X -1.0
#define HUD_EVENT_Y 0.17
#define HUD_EVENT_R 255
#define HUD_EVENT_G 20
#define HUD_EVENT_B 20

new g_MaxPlayers
new g_HudSync
new g_TargetPlayer

new cvar_nemesis_chance, cvar_nemesis_min_players
new cvar_nemesis_show_hud, cvar_nemesis_sounds
new cvar_nemesis_allow_respawn

public plugin_precache()
    // Register game mode at precache (plugin gets paused after this)
    register_plugin("[ZP] Game Mode: Nemesis", ZP_VERSION_STRING, "ZP Dev Team")
    zp_gamemodes_register("Nemesis Mode")
    // Create the HUD Sync Objects
    g_HudSync = CreateHudSyncObj()
    g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
    cvar_nemesis_chance = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_chance", "20")
    cvar_nemesis_min_players = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_min_players", "0")
    cvar_nemesis_show_hud = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_show_hud", "1")
    cvar_nemesis_sounds = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_sounds", "1")
    cvar_nemesis_allow_respawn = register_cvar("zp_nemesis_allow_respawn", "0")
    // Initialize arrays
    g_sound_nemesis = ArrayCreate(SOUND_MAX_LENGTH, 1)
    // Load from external file
    amx_load_setting_string_arr(ZP_SETTINGS_FILE, "Sounds", "ROUND NEMESIS", g_sound_nemesis)
    // If we couldn't load custom sounds from file, use and save default ones
    new index
    if (ArraySize(g_sound_nemesis) == 0)
        for (index = 0; index < sizeof sound_nemesis; index++)
            ArrayPushString(g_sound_nemesis, sound_nemesis[index])
        // Save to external file
        amx_save_setting_string_arr(ZP_SETTINGS_FILE, "Sounds", "ROUND NEMESIS", g_sound_nemesis)
    // Precache sounds
    new sound[SOUND_MAX_LENGTH]
    for (index = 0; index < ArraySize(g_sound_nemesis); index++)
        ArrayGetString(g_sound_nemesis, index, sound, charsmax(sound))
        if (equal(sound[strlen(sound)-4], ".mp3"))
            format(sound, charsmax(sound), "sound/%s", sound)

// Deathmatch module's player respawn forward
public zp_fw_deathmatch_respawn_pre(id)
    // Respawning allowed?
    if (!get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_allow_respawn))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

public zp_fw_core_spawn_post(id)
    // Always respawn as human on nemesis rounds
    zp_core_respawn_as_zombie(id, false)

public zp_fw_gamemodes_choose_pre(game_mode_id, skipchecks)
    if (!skipchecks)
        // Random chance
        if (random_num(1, get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_chance)) != 1)
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
        // Min players
        if (GetAliveCount() < get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_min_players))
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    // Game mode allowed

public zp_fw_gamemodes_choose_post(game_mode_id, target_player)
    // Pick player randomly?
    g_TargetPlayer = (target_player == RANDOM_TARGET_PLAYER) ? GetRandomAlive(random_num(1, GetAliveCount())) : target_player

public zp_fw_gamemodes_start()
    // Turn player into nemesis
    // Remaining players should be humans (CTs)
    new id
    for (id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++)
        // Not alive
        if (!is_user_alive(id))
        // This is our Nemesis
        if (zp_class_nemesis_get(id))
        // Switch to CT
        cs_set_player_team(id, CS_TEAM_CT)
    // Play Nemesis sound
    if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_sounds))
        new sound[SOUND_MAX_LENGTH]
        ArrayGetString(g_sound_nemesis, random_num(0, ArraySize(g_sound_nemesis) - 1), sound, charsmax(sound))
    if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_nemesis_show_hud))
        // Show Nemesis HUD notice
        new name[32]
        get_user_name(g_TargetPlayer, name, charsmax(name))
        set_hudmessage(HUD_EVENT_R, HUD_EVENT_G, HUD_EVENT_B, HUD_EVENT_X, HUD_EVENT_Y, 1, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1)
        ShowSyncHudMsg(0, g_HudSync, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NOTICE_NEMESIS", name)

// Plays a sound on clients
PlaySoundToClients(const sound[])
    if (equal(sound[strlen(sound)-4], ".mp3"))
        client_cmd(0, "mp3 play ^"sound/%s^"", sound)
        client_cmd(0, "spk ^"%s^"", sound)

// Get Alive Count -returns alive players number-
    new iAlive, id
    for (id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++)
        if (is_user_alive(id))
    return iAlive;

// Get Random Alive -returns index of alive player number target_index -
    new iAlive, id
    for (id = 1; id <= g_MaxPlayers; id++)
        if (is_user_alive(id))
        if (iAlive == target_index)
            return id;
    return -1;

[Resim: 9aQprZ.jpg]

[Resim: y6EnJn.jpg]

Son Düzenleme: 18-01-2019, Saat: 19:45, Düzenleyen: Kalipso22.
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