Admin Yazi Eklentisinde Ufak bi sorun var Yeşil yazı yazma sadece b yetkisine ayarlı sanırım adminlerden b yetkisini alınca yeşil yazmıyorlar onu hem b hemde c harfine yapabilirmisiniz
Temamızın yeni versiyonuna geçilmiştir.
Görüş & Önerileriniz için [email protected] adresine mail atabilirsiniz.
Reklam gösterimini engelleyici yazılım kullandığınızı görüyoruz.
Sitemizin ayakta kalıp sizlere hizmet edebilmek için en büyük gelir kaynağı sayfamızda gösterilen reklamlardır.
Reklam gösterimde bizim sayfamıza ayrıcalık tanıyarak ayakta kalmamıza destek olmak ister misiniz ?
PHP Kod:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#define PLUGIN "Admin Chat Colors"
#define VERSION "2.0"
#define AUTHOR "Arion"
new message[192]
new sayText
new teamInfo
new maxPlayers
new g_MessageColor
new g_NameColor
new g_AdminListen
new strName[191]
new strText[191]
new alive[11]
public plugin_init()
register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
g_MessageColor = register_cvar ("amx_color", "5") // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red
g_NameColor = register_cvar ("amx_namecolor", "2") // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color
g_AdminListen = register_cvar ("amx_listen", "0") // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
sayText = get_user_msgid ("SayText")
teamInfo = get_user_msgid ("TeamInfo")
maxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
register_message (sayText, "avoid_duplicated")
register_clcmd ("amx_color", "set_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
register_clcmd ("amx_namecolor", "set_name_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
register_clcmd ("amx_listen", "set_listen", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<1 | 0>")
register_clcmd ("say", "hook_say")
register_clcmd ("say_team", "hook_teamsay")
public avoid_duplicated (msgId, msgDest, receiver)
public hook_say(id)
read_args (message, 191)
remove_quotes (message)
if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands,
// Gungame commands and empty messages
new name[32]
get_user_name (id, name, 31)
new bool:admin = false
new bool:slot = false
if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_RESERVATION || ADMIN_KICK)
slot = true
if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
admin = true
new isAlive
if (is_user_alive (id))
isAlive = 1
alive = "^x01"
isAlive = 0
alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
static color[10]
if (admin)
// Name
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
case 1:
format (strName, 191, "%s%s", alive, name)
case 2:
format (strName, 191, "%s^x04%s", alive, name)
case 3:
color = "SPECTATOR"
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
case 4:
color = "CT"
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
case 5:
color = "TERRORIST"
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
case 6:
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
// Message
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
case 1: // Yellow
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
case 2: // Green
format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
case 3: // White
copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 4: // Blue
copy (color, 9, "CT")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 5: // Red
copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
else if(slot)
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
else // Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
format (message, 191, "%s^x01 : %s", strName, strText)
sendMessage (color, isAlive) // Sends the colored message
public hook_teamsay(id)
new playerTeam = get_user_team(id)
new playerTeamName[19]
switch (playerTeam) // Team names which appear on team-only messages
case 1:
copy (playerTeamName, 11, "Terrorists")
case 2:
copy (playerTeamName, 18, "Counter-Terrorists")
copy (playerTeamName, 9, "Spectator")
read_args (message, 191)
remove_quotes (message)
if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands,
// Gungame commands and empty messages
new name[32]
get_user_name (id, name, 31)
new bool:admin = false
if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
admin = true
new isAlive
if (is_user_alive (id))
isAlive = 1
alive = "^x01"
isAlive = 0
alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
static color[10]
if (admin)
// Name
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
case 1:
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) %s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 2:
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x04%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 3:
color = "SPECTATOR"
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 4:
color = "CT"
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 5:
color = "TERRORIST"
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 6:
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
// Message
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
case 1: // Yellow
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
case 2: // Green
format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
case 3: // White
copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 4: // Blue
copy (color, 9, "CT")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 5: // Red
copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
else // Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
format (message, 191, "%s ^x01: %s", strName, strText)
sendTeamMessage (color, isAlive, playerTeam) // Sends the colored message
public set_color (id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
new arg[1], newColor
read_argv (1, arg, 1)
newColor = str_to_num (arg)
if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 5) {
set_cvar_num ("amx_color", newColor)
set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, newColor)
if (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 1 &&
((newColor == 3 && get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 3)
|| (newColor == 4 && get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 4)
|| (newColor == 5 && get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 5)))
set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", 2); set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, 2)
public set_name_color (id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
new arg[1], newColor
read_argv (1, arg, 1)
newColor = str_to_num (arg)
if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 6)
set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", newColor)
set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, newColor)
if ((get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 1
&& ((newColor == 3 && get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 3)
|| (newColor == 4 && get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 4)
|| (newColor == 5 && get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 5)))
|| get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) == 6)
set_cvar_num ("amx_color", 2)
set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, 2)
public set_listen (id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
new arg[1], newListen
read_argv(1, arg, 1)
newListen = str_to_num (arg)
set_cvar_num ("amx_listen", newListen)
set_pcvar_num (g_AdminListen, newListen)
public sendMessage (color[], alive)
new teamName[10]
for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
if (!is_user_connected(player))
get_user_team (player, teamName, 9) // Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
changeTeamInfo (player, color) // Changes user's team according to color choosen
writeMessage (player, message) // Writes the message on player's chat
changeTeamInfo (player, teamName) // Changes user's team back to original
public sendTeamMessage (color[], alive, playerTeam)
new teamName[10]
for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
if (!is_user_connected(player))
get_user_team (player, teamName, 9) // Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
changeTeamInfo (player, color) // Changes user's team according to color choosen
writeMessage (player, message) // Writes the message on player's chat
changeTeamInfo (player, teamName) // Changes user's team back to original
public changeTeamInfo (player, team[])
message_begin (MSG_ONE, teamInfo, _, player) // Tells to to modify teamInfo (Which is responsable for which time player is)
write_byte (player) // Write byte needed
write_string (team) // Changes player's team
message_end() // Also Needed
public writeMessage (player, message[])
message_begin (MSG_ONE, sayText, {0, 0, 0}, player) // Tells to modify sayText (Which is responsable for writing colored messages)
write_byte (player) // Write byte needed
write_string (message) // Effectively write the message, finally, afterall
message_end () // Needed as always
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1055\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
PHP Kod:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#define PLUGIN "Admin Chat Colors"
#define VERSION "2.0"
#define AUTHOR "Arion"
new message[192]
new sayText
new teamInfo
new maxPlayers
new g_MessageColor
new g_NameColor
new g_AdminListen
new strName[191]
new strText[191]
new alive[11]
public plugin_init()
register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
g_MessageColor = register_cvar ("amx_color", "5") // Message colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red
g_NameColor = register_cvar ("amx_namecolor", "2") // Name colors: [1] Default Yellow, [2] Green, [3] White, [4] Blue, [5] Red, [6] Team-color
g_AdminListen = register_cvar ("amx_listen", "0") // Set whether admins see or not all messages (Alive, dead and team-only)
sayText = get_user_msgid ("SayText")
teamInfo = get_user_msgid ("TeamInfo")
maxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
register_message (sayText, "avoid_duplicated")
register_clcmd ("amx_color", "set_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
register_clcmd ("amx_namecolor", "set_name_color", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<color>")
register_clcmd ("amx_listen", "set_listen", ACCESS_LEVEL, "<1 | 0>")
register_clcmd ("say", "hook_say")
register_clcmd ("say_team", "hook_teamsay")
public avoid_duplicated (msgId, msgDest, receiver)
public hook_say(id)
read_args (message, 191)
remove_quotes (message)
if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands,
// Gungame commands and empty messages
new name[32]
get_user_name (id, name, 31)
new bool:admin = false
new bool:slot = false
if(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_RESERVATION || ADMIN_KICK)
slot = true
if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL || ADMIN_KICK)
admin = true
new isAlive
if (is_user_alive (id))
isAlive = 1
alive = "^x01"
isAlive = 0
alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
static color[10]
if (admin)
// Name
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
case 1:
format (strName, 191, "%s%s", alive, name)
case 2:
format (strName, 191, "%s^x04%s", alive, name)
case 3:
color = "SPECTATOR"
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
case 4:
color = "CT"
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
case 5:
color = "TERRORIST"
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
case 6:
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
// Message
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
case 1: // Yellow
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
case 2: // Green
format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
case 3: // White
copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 4: // Blue
copy (color, 9, "CT")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 5: // Red
copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
else if(slot)
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
else // Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s^x03%s", alive, name)
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
format (message, 191, "%s^x01 : %s", strName, strText)
sendMessage (color, isAlive) // Sends the colored message
public hook_teamsay(id)
new playerTeam = get_user_team(id)
new playerTeamName[19]
switch (playerTeam) // Team names which appear on team-only messages
case 1:
copy (playerTeamName, 11, "Terrorists")
case 2:
copy (playerTeamName, 18, "Counter-Terrorists")
copy (playerTeamName, 9, "Spectator")
read_args (message, 191)
remove_quotes (message)
if (message[0] == '@' || message[0] == '/' || message[0] == '!' || equal (message, "")) // Ignores Admin Hud Messages, Admin Slash commands,
// Gungame commands and empty messages
new name[32]
get_user_name (id, name, 31)
new bool:admin = false
if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_LEVEL)
admin = true
new isAlive
if (is_user_alive (id))
isAlive = 1
alive = "^x01"
isAlive = 0
alive = "^x01*DEAD* "
static color[10]
if (admin)
// Name
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor))
case 1:
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) %s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 2:
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x04%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 3:
color = "SPECTATOR"
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 4:
color = "CT"
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 5:
color = "TERRORIST"
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
case 6:
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
// Message
switch (get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor))
case 1: // Yellow
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
case 2: // Green
format (strText, 191, "^x04%s", message)
case 3: // White
copy (color, 9, "SPECTATOR")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 4: // Blue
copy (color, 9, "CT")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
case 5: // Red
copy (color, 9, "TERRORIST")
format (strText, 191, "^x03%s", message)
else // Player is not admin. Team-color name : Yellow message
get_user_team (id, color, 9)
format (strName, 191, "%s(%s) ^x03%s", alive, playerTeamName, name)
format (strText, 191, "%s", message)
format (message, 191, "%s ^x01: %s", strName, strText)
sendTeamMessage (color, isAlive, playerTeam) // Sends the colored message
public set_color (id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
new arg[1], newColor
read_argv (1, arg, 1)
newColor = str_to_num (arg)
if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 5) {
set_cvar_num ("amx_color", newColor)
set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, newColor)
if (get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 1 &&
((newColor == 3 && get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 3)
|| (newColor == 4 && get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 4)
|| (newColor == 5 && get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) != 5)))
set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", 2); set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, 2)
public set_name_color (id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
new arg[1], newColor
read_argv (1, arg, 1)
newColor = str_to_num (arg)
if (newColor >= 1 && newColor <= 6)
set_cvar_num ("amx_namecolor", newColor)
set_pcvar_num (g_NameColor, newColor)
if ((get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 1
&& ((newColor == 3 && get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 3)
|| (newColor == 4 && get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 4)
|| (newColor == 5 && get_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor) != 5)))
|| get_pcvar_num (g_NameColor) == 6)
set_cvar_num ("amx_color", 2)
set_pcvar_num (g_MessageColor, 2)
public set_listen (id, level, cid)
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))
new arg[1], newListen
read_argv(1, arg, 1)
newListen = str_to_num (arg)
set_cvar_num ("amx_listen", newListen)
set_pcvar_num (g_AdminListen, newListen)
public sendMessage (color[], alive)
new teamName[10]
for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
if (!is_user_connected(player))
get_user_team (player, teamName, 9) // Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
changeTeamInfo (player, color) // Changes user's team according to color choosen
writeMessage (player, message) // Writes the message on player's chat
changeTeamInfo (player, teamName) // Changes user's team back to original
public sendTeamMessage (color[], alive, playerTeam)
new teamName[10]
for (new player = 1; player < maxPlayers; player++)
if (!is_user_connected(player))
get_user_team (player, teamName, 9) // Stores user's team name to change back after sending the message
changeTeamInfo (player, color) // Changes user's team according to color choosen
writeMessage (player, message) // Writes the message on player's chat
changeTeamInfo (player, teamName) // Changes user's team back to original
public changeTeamInfo (player, team[])
message_begin (MSG_ONE, teamInfo, _, player) // Tells to to modify teamInfo (Which is responsable for which time player is)
write_byte (player) // Write byte needed
write_string (team) // Changes player's team
message_end() // Also Needed
public writeMessage (player, message[])
message_begin (MSG_ONE, sayText, {0, 0, 0}, player) // Tells to modify sayText (Which is responsable for writing colored messages)
write_byte (player) // Write byte needed
write_string (message) // Effectively write the message, finally, afterall
message_end () // Needed as always
*{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1055\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par }
Son Düzenleme: 15-07-2018, Saat: 16:56, Düzenleyen: ITenGriTR.
Eklenti istekte maximum 2 konunuz olabilir aksi takdirde tüm konulariniz çöpe taşınır
Forum kurallarına aykırı olduğun için konunuz silinmiştir .
Forum kurallarına aykırı olduğun için konunuz silinmiştir .
Bir Hata Söz Konusu Olursa Bizlere Ulaşarak Düzeltebilirsiniz.
Konu ile Alakalı Benzer Konular | |||||
Konular | Yazar | Yorumlar | Okunma | Son Yorum | |
Silinmiş Konu | Admin cp verdiğinde cıkan yazı | MoruQ* | 1 | 290 |
14-12-2019, Saat: 16:53 Son Yorum: By.KinG |
Silinmiş Konu | Futbol Modeli Ters yazi. | jurse99 | 6 | 608 |
12-12-2019, Saat: 07:14 Son Yorum: By.KinG |
Silinmiş Konu | Admin Kendine Cephane Paketi Verdiğinde Alta Yazan Yazı | MoruqBey | 5 | 337 |
28-11-2019, Saat: 20:12 Son Yorum: By.KinG |
Silinmiş Konu | ÇİFT YAZI PROBLEMİ CS GO MOD | turkcodec | 12 | 481 |
08-11-2019, Saat: 13:06 Son Yorum: ITenGriTR |
Silinmiş Konu | Admin Ayıcık Modeli sma Modelli atarsanız Sevinirim ! | rangerlan54q | 3 | 262 |
08-11-2019, Saat: 11:33 Son Yorum: By.KinG |
Konuyu Okuyanlar: 1 Ziyaretçi