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TeaSpeak and TeamSpeak WHMCS Module cheap


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As a leading entrepreneur in the teaspeak whmcs module development, I would like to propose an active partnership for the project.
The aim of the partnership is to keep the costs of the teaspeak project as low as possible and to enable new purchases, for example software, certificates etc...
As a model, which not only benefits us from Voice4You but also the Teaspeak project, we have considered donating 10% of the sales generated by the modules to the Teaspeak project.
We at Voice4You want the Teaspeak project to remain free for everyone and this is our way to make this possible.So we would be happy if you not only support us but also Teaspeak in this way.

I would like to bring you the current 2 versions a little closer here.

The Teaspeak module allows our premium users to rent not only individual slots but also rent out musicbots.

-> Automatic provisioning
-> Automatic suspend/terminate on invoice overdue
-> Server reinstall from admin and client area
-> Edit server settings from client area
-> Manage admin tokens from client area
-> Create snapshots from client area
-> Teaspeak server management from admin and client area
-> Ability to customize your client area template ( html )
-> Support multiple Teaspeak servers
-> Custom TSDNS server support ( )
-> TSDNS zone management from admin addon
-> Musicbot provisioning (only for the TeaSpeak WHMCS module)

TeaSpeak Provisioning Modul Leased

Monthly billing

Price: 3,95€

Updates and Support: included

TeaSpeak Provisioning Module Annual

Annual billing

Price: 45,95€

Updates and Support: included
TeaSpeak Provisioning Module Life

one-time billing

Price: 99,95€

Updates and Support: annually 15 €

for 12 month updates and support

prices are the same in both module versions.

TeaSpeak Provisioning Modul changelog:

*2.1.4 many minor fixes for compatiblity WHMCS v 8.1.1 and Database
*2.1.1 - 2.1.3 many minor fixes for compatiblity WHMCS v 8.x
*2.1.0 Musicbot Integration
** fixed again start, stop, reinstall etc.. / WHMCS v 8.x compatible
*2.0 multi lang support with automatic lang switcher
*supported in admin area currently: german, english, portuguese, (by @otalportista ) spanish, (by @Rennato ) danish, (by @mkll11one )
*supported in client area currently: arabic, azerbaijani, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, french, german, hungarian, norwegian, portuguese-br, portuguese-pt (by @otalportista ), russian, swedish, turkish, ukranian, english, spanish, italian
*1.9 you can show in admin area as an update is aviable
*1.8 bug fixed "not accepted costum port"
*1.7 many minor fixes
*1.6 button fixes (start, stop, reinstall etc..)
*1.5 first stable release for PHP 7.1+
*1.0 - 1.4 many minor fixes

check: Teaspeak WHMCS provisioning Module

** fixed again start, stop, reinstall etc.. / WHMCS v 8.x compatible
*2.0 multi lang support with automatic lang switcher
*supported in admin area currently: german, english, portuguese, (by @otalportista ) spanish, (by @Rennato ) danish, (by @mkll11one )
*supported in client area currently: arabic, azerbaijani, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, french, german, hungarian, norwegian, portuguese-br, portuguese-pt (by @otalportista ), russian, swedish, turkish, ukranian, english, spanish, italian
**1.9 you can show in admin area as an update is aviable / Obstkuchenlord and BIOS are now working on the same project
**1.8 bug fixed "not accepted costum port"
**1.7 many minor fixes
**1.6 button fixes (start, stop, reinstall etc..)
**1.5 first stable release for PHP 7.1+
**1.0 - 1.4 many minor fixes

check: Teamspeak WHMCS provisioning Module

here you will find the official support threat: I need Support

Dear all,

we would like to inform you about a raffle in the week from March 22nd, 2021 - March 28th, 2021
Every buyer of a WHMCS module has the chance to get one of 5 lifetime versions including update and support for 12 months.


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