Reklam gösterimini engelleyici yazılım kullandığınızı görüyoruz.
Sitemizin ayakta kalıp sizlere hizmet edebilmek için en büyük gelir kaynağı sayfamızda gösterilen reklamlardır.
Reklam gösterimde bizim sayfamıza ayrıcalık tanıyarak ayakta kalmamıza destek olmak ister misiniz ?



Son Düzenleme: 30-01-2018, Saat: 21:33, Düzenleyen: facebook.
[Resim: maxresdefault.jpg]

skor tablosunun gol atan kazanırın altındakı borissia dortmun ve bayern munih yazisi yukarda ve renkli bir şekildeydi istegim bunu yukarı alıp renklendirmeniz

sma kodu hata veriyor 

public SetUserConfig(id, const cvar[], const value[]){
if(str_to_num(value) != 0){
server_cmd("kick #%d  ^"Set cl_filterstuffcmd to 0^"", get_user_userid(id))
} else {
client_cmd(id, "cl_updaterate 101;cl_cmdrate 101;fps_max 101;rate 25000")
public StatusDisplay_Restart(){
//new Float:szDelay = halflife_time() + 1.0

new Float:szDelay = random_float(0.3, 0.4)
new Float:nextAlien
pev(Mascots[T], pev_nextthink, nextAlien)
new Float:nextTimer
pev(gTimerEnt, pev_nextthink, nextTimer)

if(nextAlien - nextTimer > gTimerEntThink){
nextAlien -= szDelay

set_pev(gTimerEnt, pev_nextthink, nextTimer + szDelay)
set_pev(Mascots[T], pev_nextthink, nextAlien + szDelay)
set_pev(Mascots[CT], pev_nextthink, nextAlien + szDelay)


public StatusDisplay(szEntity){
new id, sz_temp[1024]

new i, sz_lang[32], ss[10], sz_len
new Float: fb, Float:fh, Float:fb2

for(id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++){
if(~IsUserConnected(id) || IsUserBot(id) || g_showhelp[id])

//query_client_cvar(id, "cl_filterstuffcmd", "SetUserConfig")

sz_len = 0

sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len, "Top Match Statistics^n^n")
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len,
"%s - %d : %d - %s^n", g_TempTeamNames[T], get_pcvar_num(cv_score[T]),
get_pcvar_num(cv_score[CT]), g_TempTeamNames[CT])
set_dhudmessage(255, 255, 20, -1.0, 0.05, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3)
show_dhudmessage(id, "FULL-TIME")
   } else {
show_dhudmessage(id, "CHANGING MAP...")
for(i = 1; i <= RECORDS; i++){
if(i == POSSESSION){
format(sz_lang, charsmax(sz_lang), "SJ_%s", RecordTitles[i])
if(g_showhud[id] == 1) {
num_to_str(TopPlayer[1][i], ss, 9)
fb = str_to_float(ss)
num_to_str(g_Time[0], ss, 9)
fh = str_to_float(ss)
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len,
"^n^n%L: %s%s%d", id, sz_lang, TopPlayerName[i], TopPlayer[1][i]?" - ":" ",
g_Time[0]?(floatround((fb / fh) * 100.0)):0)
} else if(g_showhud[id] == 2) {
num_to_str(TeamRecord[T][i], ss, 9)
fb = str_to_float(ss)
num_to_str(TeamRecord[CT][i], ss, 9)
fb2 = str_to_float(ss)
num_to_str(g_Time[0], ss, 9)
fh = str_to_float(ss)

sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len,
"^n^n%d%%%% - %L - %d%%%%", g_Time[0]?(floatround((fb / fh) * 100.0)):0, id, sz_lang,
g_Time[0]?(floatround((fb2 / fh) * 100.0)):0)
} else {
format(sz_lang, charsmax(sz_lang), "SJ_%s", RecordTitles[i])

if(g_showhud[id] == 1) {
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len,
"^n%L: %s%s%d", id, sz_lang, TopPlayerName[i], TopPlayer[1][i]?" - ":" ", TopPlayer[1][i])
} else if(g_showhud[id] == 2) {
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len,
"^n%d - %L - %d", TeamRecord[T][i], id, sz_lang, TeamRecord[CT][i])
if(g_showhud[id] == 1){
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len, "%%%%")

if(TopPlayer[1][i] != MadeRecord[id][i] && TopPlayer[1][i]){
num_to_str(MadeRecord[id][i], ss, 9)
fb = str_to_float(ss)
num_to_str(g_Time[0], ss, 9)
fh = str_to_float(ss)
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len],
charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len, " (%d%%%%)", g_Time[0]?(floatround((fb / fh) * 100.0)):0)
case DISHITS:{
num_to_str(MadeRecord[id][DISHITS], ss, 9)
fb = str_to_float(ss)
num_to_str(MadeRecord[id][BHITS], ss, 9)
fh = str_to_float(ss)
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len, " (%d [%d%%%%])",
MadeRecord[id][DISHITS], MadeRecord[id][BHITS]?(floatround((fb / fh) * 100.0)):0)

sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len], charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len,
" %L", id, "SJ_FT")

if(TopPlayer[1][i] != MadeRecord[id][i] && TopPlayer[1][i]){
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len],
charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len, " (%d) %L", MadeRecord[id][i], id, "SJ_FT")
default: {
if(TopPlayer[1][i] != MadeRecord[id][i] && TopPlayer[1][i]){
sz_len += format(sz_temp[sz_len],
charsmax(sz_temp) - sz_len, " (%d)", MadeRecord[id][i])
if(!equal(g_MVP_name, "")){
set_dhudmessage(20, 255, 20, -1.0, 0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1)
show_dhudmessage(id, "MVP of the match is %s!", g_MVP_name)

if(winner && g_showhud[id]){
if(g_showhud[id] == 1){
set_hudmessage(255, 255, 20, 0.1, 0.08, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 4)
} else if(g_showhud[id] == 2){
set_hudmessage(20, 255, 20, 0.1, 0.08, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 4)
show_hudmessage(id, sz_temp)


case MODE_GAME:{
Event_Record(g_ballholder[0], POSSESSION)
new sz_score = get_pcvar_num(cv_score[0])
//new sz_score = ScoreLim[31]
for(id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++){
if(~IsUserConnected(id) || IsUserBot(id) || g_showhelp[id])

set_dhudmessage(255, 20, 20, 0.44, 0.05, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
show_dhudmessage(id, "%s - %d", TeamNames[T], get_pcvar_num(cv_score[1]))

set_dhudmessage(20, 20, 255, 0.52, 0.05, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
show_dhudmessage(id, "%d - %s", get_pcvar_num(cv_score[2]), TeamNames[CT])

format(sz_temp, charsmax(sz_temp), " %L ", id,
(sz_score%10 == 1 && sz_score%100 != 11)?
"SJ_GOALLIM1":"SJ_GOALLIM", sz_score)
set_hudmessage(20, 175, 20, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
show_hudmessage(id, "%s^n^n^n^n^n^n%s", sz_temp, g_temp)

//client_print(0, print_chat, "%d : %0.f", szEntity, pev(szEntity, pev_nextthink))
set_pev(szEntity, pev_nextthink, halflife_time() + gTimerEntThink)


public ShowDHud(sz_colors[]){
set_dhudmessage(sz_colors[0], sz_colors[1], sz_colors[2], -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 0.7)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%s", scoreboard)

public ShowDHud2(sz_colors[]){
set_dhudmessage(sz_colors[0], sz_colors[1], sz_colors[2], -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.2, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%s", scoreboard)

public ShowDHud3(sz_colors[]){
set_dhudmessage(sz_colors[0], sz_colors[1], sz_colors[2], -1.0, 0.3, 0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, 0.7)
show_dhudmessage(0, "%s", scoreboard)


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