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Son Düzenleme: 05-09-2019, Saat: 15:50, Düzenleyen: Aconyonn.
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PHP Kod:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
// String Lengths
#define STRLEN_DATA 128 // data from file and 'etc.' data
#define STRLEN_PATH 128 // full file path
#define STRLEN_NAME 32 // plugin Name e.g. "GunGame Mod"
#define STRLEN_FILE 32 // single filename w/o path
#define STRLEN_MAP 32 // map name
// Limits
#define MODS_MAX 10 // Maximum number of mods.
// Number of main options in vote
#define SELECTMODS 5
#define SELECTMAPS 5
// Task IDs lol
#define TASK_ENDOFMAP 3141
// ammount of time left (in seconds) to trigger end of map vote
#if defined DEBUG
new debug_voters = 0
new g_szModNames[MODS_MAX][STRLEN_NAME] // Mod Names
new Array:g_aModMaps[MODS_MAX] // Per-mod Map Names List
new Array:g_aModPlugins[MODS_MAX] // Per-mod Plugin Names List
new Array:g_aCfgList // Array to hold cvars for 'ThisMod'
new g_iMapNums[MODS_MAX] // Number of maps for each mod
new g_szThisMod[STRLEN_NAME] // Name of 'ThisMod'
new g_iThisMod = -1 // Index of 'ThisMod'
new g_iNextMod = 0 // Index of 'NextMod'
new g_iModCount = 0 // Number of MODs loaded
new g_iMapsPlayed // Number of maps played on current MOD.
new g_iMapsPerMod[MODS_MAX] // Number of maps played before a MOD change.
new bool:g_isLastMap = false // Number of maps played on current mod.
new bool:g_selected = false
// Voting stuff
new g_voteNum
new g_nextName[SELECTMAPS]
new g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS + 2]
new g_nextModId[MODS_MAX]
new g_voteModCount[MODS_MAX + 2]
// Compatibility vars
new g_teamScore[2]
new g_coloredMenus
/* Cvar Pointers */
// My cvars
new g_pMode
new g_pExtendMod // bool; allow extending mod
new g_pExtendStep
new g_pExtendMax
new g_pThisMod
new g_pNextMod
// Existing cvars
new g_pNextmap
new g_pTimeLimit
new g_pVoteAnswers
new g_pChatTime
/* Constants */
// Voting delays
new const iVoteTime = 15 // Time to display the menu.
new const Float:fVoteTime = 15.0 // Time to choose an option.
new const Float:fBetweenVote = 15.0 // Time between mod vote ending and map vote starting.
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Polymorph: Mod Manager", "1.1.2", "Fysiks")
register_cvar("Polymorph", "v1.1.2 by Fysiks", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY)
// register_dictionary("polymorph.txt")
// register_dictionary("common.txt")
/* Register Cvars */
g_pExtendMax = register_cvar("amx_extendmap_max", "90")
g_pExtendStep = register_cvar("amx_extendmap_step", "15")
g_pMode = register_cvar("poly_mode", "2")
g_pExtendMod = register_cvar("poly_extendmod", "1")
g_pThisMod = register_cvar("poly_thismod", "")
g_pNextMod = register_cvar("poly_nextmod", "")
/* Client Commands */
register_clcmd("say nextmod", "sayNextmod")
register_clcmd("say thismod", "sayThismod")
/* Console Commands */
register_concmd("amx_nextmod", "cmdSetNextmod", ADMIN_MAP, " - Set the next mod manually")
register_concmd("amx_votemod", "cmdVoteMod", ADMIN_MAP, " - Start a vote for the next mod")
/* Server Commands */
#if defined DEBUG
register_srvcmd("list", "function") // Debug
/* Compatibility */
g_coloredMenus = colored_menus()
if (cstrike_running())
register_event("TeamScore", "team_score", "a")
/* Register Menus */
register_menucmd(register_menuid("Choose Nextmap:"), (-1^(-1<<(SELECTMAPS+2))), "countMapVotes")
register_menucmd(register_menuid("Choose Nextmod:"), (-1^(-1<<(SELECTMODS+2))), "countModVotes")
public plugin_cfg()
/* Get Cvar Pointers */
g_pNextmap = get_cvar_pointer("amx_nextmap")
g_pTimeLimit = get_cvar_pointer("mp_timelimit")
g_pVoteAnswers = get_cvar_pointer("amx_vote_answers")
g_pChatTime = get_cvar_pointer("mp_chattime")
new szData[STRLEN_DATA]
new szFilepath[STRLEN_PATH], szConfigDir[STRLEN_PATH]
get_configsdir(szConfigDir, charsmax(szConfigDir))
/* Get ThisMod Name */
formatex(szFilepath, charsmax(szFilepath), "%s/%s", szConfigDir, "plugins-polymorph.ini")
new f = fopen(szFilepath, "rt")
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData))
replace(szData, charsmax(szData), ";ThisMod:", "")
parse(szData, g_szThisMod, charsmax(g_szThisMod))
Check for folder "/polymorph/"
If it exists, load MODs.
formatex(szFilepath, charsmax(szFilepath), "%s/%s", szConfigDir, "polymorph")
if( dir_exists(szFilepath) )
/* Load MODs */
new error[64]
formatex(error, charsmax(error), "%s/ does not exist.", szFilepath)
/* Set default nextmod/map depending on maps played and mode */
new szMapsPlayed[4]
get_localinfo("mapcount", szMapsPlayed, charsmax(szMapsPlayed))
g_iMapsPlayed = str_to_num(szMapsPlayed)
switch( get_pcvar_num(g_pMode) )
case 0:
g_isLastMap = false
case 1,2:
// Set default nextmod depending on how many maps have been played on this mod
if( !( g_iMapsPlayed < g_iMapsPerMod[g_iThisMod] ) ) // Do this in end map task too? to allow changing cvar mid map.
g_isLastMap = true
setNextMod((g_iThisMod + 1) % g_iModCount)
default: // Mode 0
g_isLastMap = false
/* Set task to check when map ends */
set_task(20.0, "taskEndofMap", TASK_ENDOFMAP, "", 0, "b")
public plugin_end()
// If this map still qualifies to be the last then reset mapcount for next mod.
if( !( g_iMapsPlayed < g_iMapsPerMod[g_iThisMod] ) )
g_iMapsPlayed = 0
new szMapsPlayed[4]
num_to_str(g_iMapsPlayed, szMapsPlayed, charsmax(szMapsPlayed))
set_localinfo("mapcount", szMapsPlayed)
if( g_iThisMod != g_iNextMod )
Plugin Natives
public plugin_natives()
// Polymorph Natives. Make it modular!
register_native("polyn_endofmap", "_polyn_endofmap")
register_native("polyn_get_thismod", "_polyn_get_thismod")
register_native("polyn_get_nextmod", "_polyn_get_nextmod")
register_native("polyn_votemod", "_polyn_votemod")
// Native: Execute the end of map vote.
public _polyn_endofmap(iPlugin, iParams)
// Native: Get this mod's name and return it's id
public _polyn_get_thismod(iPlugin, iParams)
new iChars = get_param(2)
new szModName[STRLEN_NAME]
copy(szModName, charsmax(szModName), g_szModNames[g_iThisMod])
set_string(1, szModName, iChars)
return g_iThisMod
// Native: Get the next mod's name and returns it's id
public _polyn_get_nextmod(iPlugin, iParams)
new iChars = get_param(2)
new szModName[STRLEN_NAME]
copy(szModName, charsmax(szModName), g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
set_string(1, szModName, iChars)
return g_iNextMod
// Native: Start Mod Vote (and map vote), force mapchange.
public _polyn_votemod()
set_task(50.0, "intermission", TASK_FORCED_MAPCHANGE)
* Admin commands
public cmdSetNextmod(id, level, cid)
if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
if(read_argc() == 1)
console_print(id, "You are currently playing %s", g_szModNames[g_iThisMod]) // Need ML
console_print(id, "Available MODs are:") // Need ML
// Print available mods (menu-like)
for(new i = 0; i < g_iModCount; i++)
console_print(id, i == g_iNextMod ? "%d) %s <<< Current nextmod" : "%d) %s", i+1, g_szModNames[i])
// console_print(id, i == g_iNextMod ? "%d) %s <<< Current nextmod" : "%d) %s", i+1, g_szModNames[i]) // Need ML
new szCmdName[32]
read_argv(0, szCmdName, charsmax(szCmdName))
console_print(id, "To set the next mod, type ^"%s #^"", szCmdName)
// console_print(id, "%L", id, "SET_NEXTMOD", szCmdName) // ML
new szArg[3]
read_argv(1, szArg, charsmax(szArg))
if( isdigit(szArg[0]) )
new modid = str_to_num(szArg) - 1
if( 0 <= modid < g_iModCount )
if( modid == g_iNextMod )
console_print(id, "Next mod is already %s", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod]) // Need ML
// Reset g_iMapsPlayed ??
console_print(id, "The next mod is now %s", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
// console_print(id, "%L", id, "NEXTMOD_NOW", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod]) // ML
new szNextMap[STRLEN_MAP]
get_pcvar_string(g_pNextmap, szNextMap, charsmax(szNextMap))
console_print(id, "The next map is now %s", szNextMap)
// console_print(id, "%L", id, "NEXTMAP_NOW", szNextMap) // ML
console_print(id, "Invalid Option")
// console_print(id, "%L", id, "INVALID_OPTION") // ML
console_print(id, "Invalid Option")
// console_print(id, "%L", id, "INVALID_OPTION") // ML
public cmdVoteMod(id, level, cid)
if(!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))
// Start vote.
// if(vote task is running) then don't allow
if( get_timeleft() > TIMELEFT_TRIGGER && !task_exists(TASK_FORCED_MAPCHANGE) )
set_task(50.0, "intermission", TASK_FORCED_MAPCHANGE)
console_print(id, "Vote not allowed at this time.")
// console_print(id, "%L", id, "VOTE_NOT_ALLOWED") // ML
* Say functions
public sayNextmod()
client_print(0, print_chat, "Next Mod: %s", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
// client_print(0, print_chat, "%L %s", LANG_PLAYER, "NEXT_MOD", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod]) // ML
public sayThismod()
client_print(0, print_chat, "This Mod: %s", g_szModNames[g_iThisMod])
// client_print(0, print_chat, "%L %s", LANG_PLAYER, "THIS_MOD", g_szModNames[g_iThisMod]) // ML
* End of Map functions
public taskEndofMap()
new winlimit = get_cvar_num("mp_winlimit") // Not using pcvars to allow cross-mod compatibility
new maxrounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds")
if (winlimit)
new c = winlimit - 2
if ((c > g_teamScore[0]) && (c > g_teamScore[1]))
g_selected = false
else if (maxrounds)
if ((maxrounds - 2) > (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1]))
g_selected = false
new timeleft = get_timeleft()
if (timeleft < 1 || timeleft > TIMELEFT_TRIGGER)
g_selected = false
if (g_selected)
g_selected = true
public execEndofMap()
// Disallow vote if someone put up vote for new mod already.
if( task_exists(TASK_FORCED_MAPCHANGE) )
switch( get_pcvar_num(g_pMode) )
case 0,1:
case 2:
if( g_isLastMap )
{ // Time to decide on new mod.
{ // Stay on this mod ( so only do map vote)
default: // Mode 0
// g_selected = true
* Vote functions
public startModVote()
// Display Mod Menu
new menu[512], a = 0, mkeys = (1<<SELECTMODS + 1) // The "None" key
new pos = format(menu, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%s:\w^n^n" : "%s:^n^n", "Choose the Next Mod")
// new pos = format(menu, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L:\w^n^n" : "%L:^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "CHOOSE_NEXTMOD") // ML
new modNum = g_iModCount - 1 // -1 because we exclude current running mod.
new dmax = (modNum > SELECTMODS) ? SELECTMODS : modNum
for (g_voteNum = 0; g_voteNum < dmax; ++g_voteNum)
a = random(g_iModCount)
while ( a == g_iThisMod || isModInMenu(a) )
g_nextModId[g_voteNum] = a
pos += format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. %s^n", g_voteNum + 1, g_szModNames[a]);
mkeys |= (1<<g_voteNum)
g_voteModCount[g_voteNum] = 0
menu[pos++] = '^n'
g_voteModCount[SELECTMODS] = 0
g_nextModId[SELECTMODS] = g_iThisMod
g_voteModCount[SELECTMODS + 1] = 0
if( get_pcvar_num(g_pExtendMod) )
pos += format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. Extend %s^n", SELECTMODS + 1, g_szModNames[g_iThisMod])
// pos += format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. %L^n", SELECTMAPS + 1, LANG_SERVER, "EXTEND_MOD", g_szModNames[g_iThisMod]) // ML
mkeys |= (1<<SELECTMODS)
format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. %L", SELECTMODS+2, LANG_SERVER, "NONE")
show_menu(0, mkeys, menu, iVoteTime, "Choose Nextmod:")
set_task(fVoteTime, "checkModVotes")
client_print(0, print_chat, "It's time to choose the next mod.")
// client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "TIME_CHOOSE_MOD") // ML
client_cmd(0, "spk Gman/Gman_Choose2")
log_amx("Vote: Voting for the next mod started")
public countModVotes(id, key)
// Count Mod Votes
if (get_pcvar_num(g_pVoteAnswers))
new name[32]
get_user_name(id, name, 31)
if (key == SELECTMODS)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s chose mod extending", name)
// client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHOSE_EXT_MOD", name) // ML
else if (key < SELECTMODS)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "X_CHOSE_X", name, g_szModNames[g_nextModId[key]])
#if defined DEBUG
client_print(0, print_chat, "POLY_DEBUG: Someone just voted for %d", key)
server_print("POLY_DEBUG: Someone just voted for %d", key)
public checkModVotes()
#if defined DEBUG
client_print(0, print_chat, "POLY_DEBUG: # of voters: %d", debug_voters)
server_print("POLY_DEBUG: # of voters: %d", debug_voters)
debug_voters = 0
// Check Mod Votes
new b = 0
for (new a = 0; a < g_voteNum; ++a)
if (g_voteModCount[b] < g_voteModCount[a])
b = a
if (g_voteModCount[SELECTMODS] > g_voteModCount[b] )
client_print(0, print_chat, "%s has been extended for one map", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
// client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHO_FIN_EXT_MOD", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod]) // ML
// Decrement maps played to only extend mod by one map.
new szMapsPlayed[4]
num_to_str(g_iMapsPlayed, szMapsPlayed, charsmax(szMapsPlayed))
set_localinfo("mapcount", szMapsPlayed)
setNextMod(g_nextModId[b]) // Set g_iNextMod
client_print(0, print_chat, "Choosing finished. The nextmod will be %s", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
// client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHO_FIN_NEXT_MOD", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod]) // ML
log_amx("Vote: Voting for the next mod finished. The nextmod will be %s", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
// Set new default map to correspond to the next mod.
set_task(fBetweenVote, "startMapVote")
public startMapVote()
// Display Map Menu
new menu[512], a, mkeys = (1<<SELECTMAPS + 1)
new pos = format(menu, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L:\w^n^n" : "%L:^n^n", LANG_SERVER, "CHOOSE_NEXTM")
new mapNum = g_iMapNums[g_iNextMod]
new dmax = (mapNum > SELECTMAPS) ? SELECTMAPS : mapNum
for (g_voteNum = 0; g_voteNum < dmax; ++g_voteNum)
a = random_num(0, mapNum - 1)
while (isInMenu(a))
if (++a >= mapNum) a = 0
g_nextName[g_voteNum] = a
pos += format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. %a^n", g_voteNum + 1, ArrayGetStringHandle(g_aModMaps[g_iNextMod], a));
mkeys |= (1<<g_voteNum)
g_voteMapCount[g_voteNum] = 0
menu[pos++] = '^n'
g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS] = 0
g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS + 1] = 0
new mapname[32]
get_mapname(mapname, 31)
if( g_iThisMod == g_iNextMod ) // If staying on this mod allow extending the map.
if( get_pcvar_float(g_pTimeLimit) < get_pcvar_float(g_pExtendMax) )
pos += format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. %L^n", SELECTMAPS + 1, LANG_SERVER, "EXTED_MAP", mapname)
mkeys |= (1<<SELECTMAPS)
format(menu[pos], 511, "%d. %L", SELECTMAPS+2, LANG_SERVER, "NONE")
show_menu(0, mkeys, menu, iVoteTime, "Choose Nextmap:")
set_task(fVoteTime, "checkMapVotes")
client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_SERVER, "TIME_CHOOSE")
client_cmd(0, "spk Gman/Gman_Choose2")
log_amx("Vote: Voting for the nextmap started")
public countMapVotes(id, key)
if (get_pcvar_num(g_pVoteAnswers))
new name[32]
get_user_name(id, name, 31)
if (key == SELECTMAPS)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHOSE_EXT", name)
else if (key < SELECTMAPS)
new map[32];
ArrayGetString(g_aModMaps[g_iNextMod], g_nextName[key], map, charsmax(map))
client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "X_CHOSE_X", name, map)
public checkMapVotes()
new b = 0
for (new a = 0; a < g_voteNum; ++a)
if (g_voteMapCount[b] < g_voteMapCount[a])
b = a
if (g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS] > g_voteMapCount[b]
&& g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS] > g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS+1])
new mapname[32]
get_mapname(mapname, 31)
new Float:steptime = get_pcvar_float(g_pExtendStep)
set_pcvar_float(g_pTimeLimit, get_pcvar_float(g_pTimeLimit) + steptime)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHO_FIN_EXT", steptime)
log_amx("Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. Map %s will be extended to next %.0f minutes", mapname, steptime)
new smap[32]
if (g_voteMapCount[b] && g_voteMapCount[SELECTMAPS + 1] <= g_voteMapCount[b])
ArrayGetString(g_aModMaps[g_iNextMod], g_nextName[b], smap, charsmax(smap));
set_pcvar_string(g_pNextmap, smap);
else // added 1.0.3
ArrayGetString(g_aModMaps[g_iNextMod], g_nextName[0], smap, charsmax(smap));
set_pcvar_string(g_pNextmap, smap);
get_pcvar_string(g_pNextmap, smap, 31)
client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHO_FIN_NEXT", smap)
log_amx("Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be %s", smap)
* Auxillary Functions
/* Set the 'NextMod' index */
stock setNextMod(index)
g_iNextMod = index
set_pcvar_string(g_pNextMod, g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
/* Set the default nextmap for the next mod */
stock setDefaultNextmap()
new szMapName[32]
ArrayGetString(g_aModMaps[g_iNextMod], 0, szMapName, charsmax(szMapName))
set_pcvar_string(g_pNextmap, szMapName)
stock bool:loadMaps(szConfigDir[], szMapFile[], iModIndex)
new szFilepath[STRLEN_PATH], szData[STRLEN_MAP]
g_iMapNums[iModIndex] = 0
formatex(szFilepath, charsmax(szFilepath), "%s/%s", szConfigDir, szMapFile)
new f = fopen(szFilepath, "rt")
return false
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData))
if(!szData[0] || szData[0] == ';' || (szData[0] == '/' && szData[1] == '/'))
ArrayPushString(g_aModMaps[iModIndex], szData)
return true
* Rewrite plugins-polymorph.ini for the next mod.
* Will create the file if it does not exist.
* Use only when you need to change the mod!!!
stock UpdatePluginFile()
new szMainFilePath[STRLEN_PATH]
new pMainFile
get_configsdir(szMainFilePath, charsmax(szMainFilePath))
format(szMainFilePath, charsmax(szMainFilePath), "%s/plugins-polymorph.ini", szMainFilePath)
pMainFile = fopen(szMainFilePath, "wt")
fprintf(pMainFile, ";ThisMod:^"%s^"^r^n", g_szModNames[g_iNextMod])
fputs(pMainFile, "; Warning: This file is re-written by Polymorph plugin.^r^n")
fprintf(pMainFile, "; Any content added manually will be lost.^r^n")
if( g_iModCount > 0 )
new iPlugins_num, szPluginName[STRLEN_NAME]
iPlugins_num = ArraySize(g_aModPlugins[g_iNextMod])
for(new j = 0; j < iPlugins_num; j++)
ArrayGetString(g_aModPlugins[g_iNextMod], j, szPluginName, charsmax(szPluginName))
fprintf(pMainFile, "%s^r^n", szPluginName)
fputs(pMainFile, ";;; ERROR ;;;\r\n;;; No MODs Loaded ;;;")
for (new a = 0; a < g_voteNum; ++a)
if (id == g_nextName[a])
return true
return false
for (new a = 0; a < g_voteNum; ++a)
if (id == g_nextModId[a])
return true
return false
public team_score()
new team[2]
read_data(1, team, 1)
g_teamScore[(team[0]=='C') ? 0 : 1] = read_data(2)
/* Show Scoreboard to everybody. */
public intermission()
set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_pChatTime), "changeMap")
/* Change map. */
public changeMap()
new szNextmap[32]
get_pcvar_string(g_pNextmap, szNextmap, charsmax(szNextmap))
server_cmd("changelevel %s", szNextmap)
/* Exec Cvars */
public execCfg()
new cfg_num = ArraySize(g_aCfgList)
for(new i = 0; i < cfg_num; i++)
server_cmd("%a", ArrayGetStringHandle(g_aCfgList, i))
/* Initiate loading the MODs */
stock initModLoad()
g_iModCount = 0
new szFilepath[STRLEN_PATH], szConfigDir[STRLEN_PATH]
get_configsdir(szConfigDir, charsmax(szConfigDir))
formatex(szFilepath, charsmax(szFilepath), "%s/%s", szConfigDir, "polymorph")
g_aCfgList = ArrayCreate(STRLEN_DATA)
/* Exec Configs if Mod found */
if( g_iModCount == 0 )
/* Zero mods loaded, set as failed */
log_amx("[Polymorph] Zero (0) mods loaded.")
set_fail_state("[Polymorph] Zero (0) mods were loaded.")
else if( g_iThisMod == -1 )
/* No mod found, set as failed, restart to fix. */
log_amx("[Polymorph] Mod not found. Restart server.")
set_fail_state("[Polymorph] Mod not found. Restart server.")
/* Set poly_thismod cvar */
set_pcvar_string(g_pThisMod, g_szModNames[g_iThisMod])
/* Execute Mod Config */
set_task(4.0, "execCfg")
/* Load individual MOD. Return true on success */
stock bool:loadMod(szPath[], szModConfig[])
new filepath[STRLEN_PATH]
new szData[STRLEN_DATA], szPreCommentData[STRLEN_DATA]
new key[STRLEN_MAP], value[STRLEN_MAP]
formatex(filepath, charsmax(filepath), "%s/%s", szPath, szModConfig)
new f = fopen(filepath, "rt")
return loadFail(szModConfig)
/* Traverse header space */
while(!feof(f) && szData[0] != '[')
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData))
/* Load MOD specific variables */
while( !feof(f) )
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData))
switch( szData[0] )
case 0, ';': continue; // Comment/Blank line.
case '[': break; // Next section found.
parse(szData, key, charsmax(key), value, charsmax(value))
if(equali(key, "name"))
copy(g_szModNames[g_iModCount], charsmax(g_szModNames[]), value)
if( equal(value, g_szThisMod) )
g_iThisMod = g_iModCount
else if(equali(key, "mapspermod"))
g_iMapsPerMod[g_iModCount] = str_to_num(value) ? str_to_num(value) : 2 // Default to 2
else if(equali(key, "mapsfile"))
if( !loadMaps(szPath, value, g_iModCount) )
return loadFail(szModConfig)
/* Load MOD specific cvars */
while( !feof(f) )
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData))
switch( szData[0] )
case 0, ';': continue; // Comment/Blank line.
case '[': break; // Next section found.
/* Retain cvars if we are loading 'ThisMod' */
if( g_iThisMod == g_iModCount )
strtok(szData, szPreCommentData, charsmax(szPreCommentData), "", 0, ';')
ArrayPushString(g_aCfgList, szPreCommentData)
/* Load Plugins */
while( !feof(f) )
fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData))
switch( szData[0] )
case 0, ';': continue; // Comment/Blank line.
case '[': break; // Next section found.
strtok(szData, szPreCommentData, charsmax(szPreCommentData), "", 0, ';')
ArrayPushString(g_aModPlugins[g_iModCount], szPreCommentData)
// if all loads well increment g_iModCount
// else clear used arrays and DO NOT increment g_iModCount
return true
/* Log "failed to load mod" message. return false (meaning "failed to load") */
stock bool:loadFail(szModFile[])
server_print("Failed to load mod from %s", szModFile) // Debug
log_amx("[Polymorph] Failed to load configuration file %s", szModFile)
return false
#if defined DEBUG
/* Debugging function */
public function()
for(new i = 0; i < g_iModCount; i++)
server_print("%s", g_szModNames[i])
new plugs_num = ArraySize(g_aModPlugins[i])
new plug_name[32]
for(new j = 0; j < plugs_num; j++)
ArrayGetString(g_aModPlugins[i], j, plug_name, charsmax(plug_name))
server_print(" %s", plug_name)
new maps_num = ArraySize(g_aModMaps[i])
new mapname[32]
for(new j = 0; j < maps_num; j++)
ArrayGetString(g_aModMaps[i], j, mapname, charsmax(mapname))
server_print(" %s", mapname)
Pouex(Görkem Bacısısikişenoğlu)'in anasını götünden sikeyim.
Emirhan SkürtSkürt seninde ananı sikicem sıradasın.
Dediğim gibi ferudun ve berke lafım yok.
Emirhan SkürtSkürt seninde ananı sikicem sıradasın.
Dediğim gibi ferudun ve berke lafım yok.
İyi de eklenti çalışmayacaksa bu attığınız eklenti ne işime yarayacak ki? Eklenti szConfigDir, "polymorph") yolundan dosya isimlerini alıyor. Klasörden değil de dosyadan alabilir.
[Polymorph] Zero (0) mods were loaded.
L 09/05/2019 - 16:03:04: [AMXX] Run time error 1 (plugin "poly12.amxx") - forced exit
[Polymorph] Zero (0) mods were loaded.
L 09/05/2019 - 16:03:04: [AMXX] Run time error 1 (plugin "poly12.amxx") - forced exit
open_dir'in görevi zaten klasör yolu açmak. Sunucunuz kabul etmiyorsa yapacak birşey kalmaz. Ve eklentinin bir işlevi kalmaz.
Pouex(Görkem Bacısısikişenoğlu)'in anasını götünden sikeyim.
Emirhan SkürtSkürt seninde ananı sikicem sıradasın.
Dediğim gibi ferudun ve berke lafım yok.
Emirhan SkürtSkürt seninde ananı sikicem sıradasın.
Dediğim gibi ferudun ve berke lafım yok.
Son Düzenleme: 05-09-2019, Saat: 19:08, Düzenleyen: Smash.
Eklenti işbirliğinde olduğunuz sunucu ile uyumlu değil , yabancı kişilerin yapmış olduğu eklentilerin geneli Türkiye sunucularında kullanılamaz ve yabancı eklentilerin düzenlenmesine hoş bakan bir insan değilim.
Forum kurallarına aykırı olduğun için konunuz silinmiştir .
Forum kurallarına aykırı olduğun için konunuz silinmiştir .
Bir Hata Söz Konusu Olursa Bizlere Ulaşarak Düzeltebilirsiniz.
Boş ol , boş ol , boş ol.
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Konuyu Okuyanlar: 1 Ziyaretçi