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It was opened on the internet ONLY on July 14, 2021. Website:
 [Resim: iospbw2.jpg]
Company address and contact information are not provided.
It is not advertised anywhere.
You can't find information about it anywhere. It's a complete scam site.
I'm giving this information so that people like me who can't find something on the internet for days learn about this trap and scammers don't deceive more people.
[Resim: bk1ao9s.jpg]
Thanks to their female staff, they hunt people who are rich and do not know crypto business, especially men. Don't deposit any money. Also, stay away from the person who recommended that site to you. All major international professional scam network
On dating sites, they approach their hunt with profiles of beautiful, wealthy golfers and young flirty women interested in finance. Every flirtatious man wants to be with such a woman. Women immediately ask for your phone and start chatting on WhatsApp. The woman who appears very close to you on the dating site turns out to be hundreds of kilometers away. You still keep the love going. She confuses you once again by saying she's making $20,000 a week as the conversations go on.
Then the conversation comes to investment and crypto exchanges. She says she's been in this market for 7 years, because she didn't earn in the first years, but for the last 2 years she's been getting $20,000 a week. And to motivate you, she talks about smart people being inventive and brave. She is telling about her Professional financer uncle’s story.
Scammer Arisha (phone number: +1 229 214 77 79)
A woman I met on the Internet defrauded me by saying that she has been in the crypto market for 7 years, but that she has made good money in the last 2 years and that she will also make me money. The woman who deceived me said that her name was Arisha (phone number: +1 229 214 77 79)and that she was Malaysian, spoke English and Chinese and lived in our country. He built trust by posting lots of photos, videos, and check-ins.
 [Resim: kah6yen.jpg]
Scammer Arisha (phone number: +1 229 214 77 79)
First of all, she tells you to open an account on : SCAMMER and deposit a very small amount of $100. You say what will happen if $100 goes down, you deposit it right away. You're caught in the net now. It's very difficult to get out of here.
With this money, BTCUSD or ETHUSD also opens a 1-minute option transaction. He says it all, you just press the buttons and you make 17% profit in 1 minute.
 [Resim: g81wu3j.jpg]
You make 3-4 transactions and you earn 17% each time. Your money doubles in an instant. Thank you. She also talks about nodes, analysis, trend and stuff. He says he works hard. She says that he has been in this market for 7 years, because she did not earn in the first years, but for the last 2 years she earned $ 20,000 a week. And to motivate you, she talks about smart people being inventive and brave. She talks about traveling the world, buying yachts and floors. You start to believe it because you see it's winning.
 [Resim: ecgx11f.jpg]
She sends photos of his own winnings. She has constantly withdrawn200,000$-  300,000$. But actually you catch the first lie here, but you ignore it. When I say I earn $20,000 a week, he actually earns much more in 5 minutes in this system.
Saying that you need to invest more in order to earn more, it prevents you from thinking, saying that if you invest this much, I will plan for you, and allows you to invest money quickly. After all, as humans, we are social creatures who do as we are told.
You also invest more money.
1. Big deposit. Now that the money inside is growing, the woman opens a 5-minute trade. The revenue of the 5 minute transaction is 30%. Now you make tons of money every day, but when you play by yourself, you constantly lose. So you become more attached to the woman.
When you want to withdraw your money, it is said that you have to become a Premium member within 1 week, or you will be fined 20% every day. The woman always says that there is a solution to everything, I will help you. By the way, she says how much you can deposit. She says okay, you deposit that much immediately, it is important that you deposit it quickly. She is constantly pushing you. You deposit what you have right away.
2. Big deposit. You think your rich friend will lend you money and invest the rest, but she gives you other advice.
You have deposited a large amount of money 2 times, there is a lot of money you have earned inside, there is little left to become Premium. You say that the sunk fish will go away.
3. You also deposit a large amount of money. The woman keeps telling you to invest more money, I will make a plan for you, we will earn a lot or something. She sends a photo and establishes a close relationship with you. By the way, with the money you earn, your main amount reaches 200,000$  - 300,000$.
 [Resim: s9klmbo.jpg]
You say you're going to shoot now. You write to customer service to withdraw. Of course they say sir. But first they say you have to pay 30% personal income tax according to this law. Huh 30%, what do you think, but you say okay and say okay. You want to cut off the money inside and withdraw the rest.
[Resim: l0cb67d.jpg][Resim: pei6rue.jpg]
This is where the real part of the trap begins. 30% of $200,000 earnings is $60,000, and we can't deduct that from the money inside. They say that you have to deposit this additionally within 7 working days. And you are listening to the nonsense that everyone has to pay the citizenship debt. No matter what you do, the result does not change. They always want you to deposit money, but you can never withdraw your money.
You ask the woman because I can't pay $ 60,000, it doesn't matter, I will help you. She says don't be sad, there is a solution for everything. She asks the classic question of first relaxing you and then how much you can lay down. If you say $10,000, she says okay, I'll lend you the top. The customer representative gives a different USDT account. She would immediately deposits on your behalf and shows a screenshot. The customer rep confirms. This is the last show to get your last money in hand. After depositing, she says come on, return my money to me and puts you under pressure. She says you defrauded me when you did not deposit, pay me back my money, I will sue you. Thus, it rises to the top and peels off like olive oil. The bench is beautiful. Even if you deposit the money, they never give it to you.


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